10 for £10k Challenge

On Wednesday 2 July 2014, the whole school will take part in a Sponsored Walk.

Branded the ‘10 for £10k’, the event will see pupils walk 10 miles in the Oxfordshire countryside to raise £10,000 for Helen & Douglas House. This shared endeavour will unite pupils, teaching staff and many keen parents and friends!

In addition to the ’10 for £10k’ Challenge a group of Rye St Antony teachers, pictured, have decided to support this event by completing the National 3 Peaks Challenge, with the aim of gaining even more sponsorship towards the £10,000 target.

Helen & Douglas House is an Oxford Hospice that has the time and expertise to care for children and young adults with life-shortening conditions and support their families. The two hospice houses offer specialist symptom and pain management, medically-supported short breaks and end-of-life care, as well as counselling and practical support for the whole family.

Pupils and staff alike are currently collecting sponsorship, if you’d like to sponsor somebody please follow the below link to our Just Giving page! 


We are delighted to announce sponsorship from our school uniform suppliers. SCHOOL Couture is one of the prime sponsors of the event; they have kindly agreed to fund and supply a reusable water bottle to each participant. Stevensons Oxford Branch has given us a generous donation towards our sponsorship total. 

SCHOOL Couture Limited

Swifts House

Stoke Lyne


OX27 8RR


Stevensons Oxford Branch

245 Banbury Road


